health . wellness . together


Wellness can be more than just an individual pursuit — it can be a communal one.

I offer customized group classes and seminars under the guiding principle that the health of the community is just as important as the health of the individual. Whether you're a corporate office seeking to revitalize its practices or a studio looking to reinvigorate its approach, I provide body and mind wellness, nutrition, and lifestyle guidance in a group setting not just for each member of the team but for the entire team body.

Every group is distinct, and I offer flexible layouts that include seminarsPilates work, and holistic health coaching — or a comprehensive session that touches on all of it. I make it my mission to craft the program that will best facilitate your group's unique health and wellness goals. Connect below to find the arrangement that will work for you and your specific needs.



My seminars provide a platform for healthfulness starting with the way we think about our bodies, minds, and lifestyles. Topics range from digestive health and the effects of sugar to everyday wellness and spirituality, all centered around the belief that, with the right knowledge, we can change the way we live. Journeys begin with a destination, and this is where we find and plan just how to get there.



Pilates doesn't just work our muscles; it is a system that includes our awareness and mindfulness, our breath, our motor connections, and our ability not only to move but to control how we move. It is the ultimate physical component of a balanced lifestyle — and my method of choice to go alongside seminars and wellness coaching.

holistic health

Everything in our wellbeing is connected, and my holistic coaching is designed to find and strengthen those connections. This is where the wellness of the mind meets the health of the body, where positive actions become positive habits. Nutrition joins exercise and the spiritual joins the mental to translate healthful practice into a truly healthful life.